Careers with Math Degrees

A student may dislike math for numerous reasons. One of them may be that their teachers do not teach math in an approachable manner. Another could be the way they learn about math concepts doesn’t align with their learning style. Most often, it’s because math involves a number of skills from logic, intuition, and imagination, which students are continuing to develop through their education.

Studies have shown that 92% of students dislike math, whereas only 28% enjoy it. The overwhelming majority who dislike math stems from an inability to understand the associated concepts or desire to develop related skills. Students who enjoy math, on the other hand, are more interested in logic and reasoning, which are skills that not many often attribute to math.

In higher education, math is often seen as uncovering and explaining patterns, such as fluctuations in stock market prices or electrical impulses in an animal’s nervous system. Math often emphasizes attention to detail, such as uncovering an abstract geometric figure. This spectrum of skills and concepts often appeal to students interested in applying mathematical principles to simplify everyday problems, thinking of them as equations to solve.

Math may appear to be a narrow subject with few applications, but it is actually versatile. A math background allows for careers in education, business, IT, and more. Here are some careers that students can consider for their future careers while studying math.

#1. Auditor

An auditor tracks financial records to ensure that they’re accurate and adhere to standard practices and ethics. Often employed by a company, auditors also often ensure that the company uses assets and money in legal ways. Students interested in this profession should consider a degree in finance, accounting, or math. This position is flexible and can allow for movement between companies or permanent positions within.

#2. Financial Analyst

If you’re more interested in the technicalities of finance, making predictions, and building financial portfolios or models for others, this is the career for you. A financial analyst acts as planners for the financials of companies and individual clients. They may offer advice on spending and investing to match their clients’ goals. An analyst’s job also involves assessing current market trends and predicting the future. This position is sought by large corporations or even individuals looking to invest their money in more effective ways.

#3. Civil Engineer

There are many types of engineers, and many involve math in some way. A civil engineer designs and oversees construction projects for civil use. What makes civil engineers different from other engineers is that they are in charge of construction budgets while resolving design, development, and purchasing challenges. This position is suitable for students interested in infrastructure or would like to be involved in construction from a more technical standpoint.

#4. Scientist

Often a generalized dream of young children, but an attainable future for those with a math degree. A scientist often works in scientific fields, such as physics, biology, chemistry, and many more. Students with a math background may pursue physics to help advance humanity and current technology, or our understanding of the natural world. To become a scientist, students will need to pursue higher levels of education, often a master’s or doctoral degree.

#5. Mathematician

If students aren’t interested in science but just mathematical concepts, further study into these theories can be applied in a variety of fields, like technology and medicine. Mathematicians may also be interested in explaining these concepts to others, breaking them down into simpler terms to more advanced students in higher education. Similar to scientists, mathematicians will also benefit from having a master’s or doctoral degree.

#6. Actuary

An actuary analyzes risks in the insurance industry, predicting financial events and how they might affect the future. They often work with companies to plan for the future by preparing for these changes, and determining rates charged by various insurance policies. It is important to have logical and predictive skills in this line of work, as actuaries often plan for environmental or world events where insurance claims might be high.

#7. Math Teacher

Perhaps students who study math are also interested in education, thus leading a new generation of math teachers passionate about helping their students understand math in a way that is innovative or unique. A math teacher will need both a degree in math and a teaching license. Teaching is often a thankless job, but it is important to remember that teachers shape the next generation of students, who will eventually join the older generation in the workforce and lead a new wave of innovation.

A math degree does not only mean that you can do math but apply it in multiple ways. How will you apply math in your life?

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